Friday, September 16, 2005

No Wonder I'm the Way I Am

Check out my latest video.

Husband is out of town, I'm doing it alone. I turn on the camera, but apparently the kids don't realize it is on.

Notice in these five seconds that my drama queen was allotted to try to tell me a story how many times the oldest we have at home says "Mom." Notice how difficult it is to follow her story. Notice how still she doesn't sit. And notice that she remembers, mid-thought that she "has to go yell at Tony."

It's no wonder, with this kind of thing going on in my world all the time that I'm not more insane than I am.

Returning our house guests home today, don't know for how long or if forever. Sad, it was fun having them here.

Desk is piled high, email box has over 200 in it and mroe will come in today, still over 15 loads of laundry on the floor (all of our blankets got wet -- don't ask), several overdue projects I need to work on. Too much to think about.

1 comment:

  1. Thank goodness someone else's house is JUST like mine!
