Monday, September 26, 2005

Odd feeling of Accomplishment

I woke up motivated today and tackled my workload with vigor.

I did a new time management trick: I divided the things I needed to do into three categories:

Hard, Medium, and Easy.

I told myself I had to do at least 1 hard thing for every 3 easy and 2 medium things. I know it doesn't make sense to most people how this could motivate a person, but then you gotta know how my mind works.

I worked consistently all day long (with the exception of lunch with my husband, who postponed his trip by a day, for which I am very grateful).

I accomplished a lotta stuff, including finishing writing a home study and writing a post-placement report, as well as several little details like getting things ready to be mailed, making phone calls, etc.

And at the end of the day my desk is cleaned off and all my trays sorted through. I'm hoping for equal motivation tomorrow, which might actually get me to the point of feeling like I am sort of kind of a little caught up.

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