Wednesday, September 21, 2005

People who Play Sports and Players

I realized long ago that there is a distinction between athletes and those who participate in athletics. It started teh season that Kyle wrestled in 6th grade. It was all about how many snacks he could eat. Right before his match he would want nachos, pizza, and a couple snickers bars. I came home and told Bart, "There are kids who wrestler and there are wrestlers. Kyle is content to be a kid who wrestles."

We have had several kids who are not serious about a sport -- it is enough to participate, be on the team, have some fun. Once and a while they win or do something good, but for the most part, it's just about being part of something and we're OK with that.

But a couple of our kids hve some real talent. And here is one of them. True to his Central American heritage, when it comes to soccer, Ricardo knows what he's doing. We've Got Ourselves a Player.

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