Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Rambing Stupidity After a Long Day

Our day in court, that Bart describes thoroughly in his blog, was emotionally exhuasting. Then I was working on a very tedious project making charts for the AAN matching bash. So many kids that need homes!

Then tonight we picked up a couple house guests for a few days, or maybe longer -- a very long story, but a non-English speaking friend from a neighboring community is going to hang out with us for a while and see if it helps her pick up some English. She has a baby who is a little over a year old and quite cute. I went to pick them up tonight.

I'm in the recliner in my bedroom blogging (ah technology) Now we're putting everyone to bed and watching Rachel Ray do Hawaii on $40 a day. Give me a break -- what kind of a job is that? Travelling around the world and getting paid to eat? Except she must have to work out all the rest of the time to work off all that good food.

So I'm definitely tired and ready for bed tonight! Tomorrow I turn 42 and I'm celebrating it with an ortho appointment, a psychiatrist appointment, and bell practice.

I did not put that in there so you would make a big deal about my birthday, because I don't want anyone to, which now is making you think that if I didn't want you to, I wouldn't have told you, but it really is true that I don't want a fuss made. I should just delete this...

I should never have introduced everyone to my husband's blog because he so outwrites me. You'll all start liking him better than you do me. Even my mother likes him better.

But you gotta compliment me for marrying well. And did you know that in addition to liking to watch the Food Netowrk, he can cook about anything, what he makes is always delicious, he cooks a great meal for the family almost every night he's home, and he irons -- both his clothes and mine?

When deciding who to marry I was fairly bright. As Cindy taught me, I didn't just fall off no turnip truck, fool!"

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