Sunday, September 04, 2005

Sacrificial Gift

On Saturday we agreed that we would forego anything that costs money for the weekend and send what we would have sent to UMCOR to help with hurricane relief. Since lunch and a mantinee with snacks can often equal more than $150 for our family, this will allow us to give more generously than otherwise.

The sacrifice on the part of the kids has been fairly minimal. They have found things to occupy their time and don't seem to be too concerned. We've been to the City Park twice, the State Park twice, and there have been multiple playstation games and a video or two.

But Bart and I have been suffering a little listening to the background noise of all the interraction. They seem to be having fun, and it isn't entirely out of hand, but we have to intervene continuously and the arguments seem endless.

I know, I know, no room to complain when we're safe and secure and our belongings and loved ones are with us -- but as scripture says, "I will not offer anything that costs me nothing.

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