Tuesday, September 27, 2005


If I had to very specifically narrow down the worst thing about having a large family I think it would be socks. In MN we wear them nearly year round. I know for sure, that for me, laundry is the worst part of having a large family ... it just never seems to end. Loads and loads every day and there is a never ending flow.

But even more specifically, it's the piles of inside-out dirty sweaty boy socks. Gag.

It looks like there are only four more loads of laundry on my floor today. This is after a series of unfortunate events that left all of our extra blankets and comforters soaked, so it's been months since I've been caught up. But I did two full loads of socks (gag again) and I may actually see a clean laundry room floor before the kids get home from school.

Now, I realize that this is not a bloggable event for most people, but for me, it is!

1 comment:

  1. Laundry is the absolute worst! I have two buckets of socks missing a mate -- and no two would even come close to matching!
