Saturday, September 03, 2005

Some hours at the park

I loaded up the van and went to the park while my husband did a hospital visit, committed someone at the graveside, and sat through the weekly two hours of what bad parents we are courtesy of our son in the RTC.

So, we went to the park and I had the laptop and I typed chapters of the book and I had the notebook and I wrote chapters of the book -- hopefully I'll get them blogged tonight while I am watching a movie in the recliner in my bedroom.

Our son is home from the ranch for the three day weekend and we had a meeting about him on Thursday. He couldn't be doing much better. I have had my hopes up so many times about my kids that it makes me nervous to believe in a transformation, but he is doing really well.

Today he even got his hair cut short. Looks like a new man.

And when you compare it to two weeks ago you'll see that he got a lot cut off!

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