Friday, September 02, 2005

Why I Love School

Most people know that I love school because I get time to myself. But there are so many more reasons, like:

feeding the children once a day during the week instead of three;

a cleaner house because there is no one here to mess it up;

kids who are ready to go to bed at bedtime because they are emotionally exhausted;

a routine so that I myself get into a better routine with dishes, laundry, etc;

less bickering, fighting, arguing and disobeying;

less time for kids to earn consequences, thus less time for me to have to hand them out and monitor them;

time for Bart and I to have our weekly lunch date;

activities to go to that are cheaper than movies, miniature golf, bowling, and other such things that suck up our money when we're trying to have fun and make memories a family;

more connections with friends so that there are more options of things for the kids to do;


I get time to myself!

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