Sunday, September 11, 2005

"You're not my real mom" (a more humorous occurance)

The way that Dominyk frames things is hilarious almost all of the time.

For example, he told me a couple nights ago that he thought I would be an excellent candidate for the "Biggest Loser" program, said in all honesty, with no guile.

He also told me that a teenage friend of ours was no longer experimenting with what style she wanted, because she had "Gone Gotham."

He is always grabbing things he's learned and putting them together in the most unusual way, nothing like they way they were intended.

We went bowling yesterday as a family, including our son from the ranch, and it did not go all that well. Dominyk had an especially hard time and was making most of the family miserable with his inappropriate behavior. When we expressed our frustration, he got fixated on how he should not live with us, and how we should ship him off to military school, and why can't he just go live with his best friend's family.

He concluded with,

"I shouldn't have even been born. But NOOOOOOOOO. My REAL mom and dad had to go and have SEX.

By the way, you're not my REEEEAL mom and dad you know."

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