Sunday, October 02, 2005

Technological Nightmare

This morning in church was a technological nightmare! First of all, my recently acquired Powerbook that had a broken hinge, had a wire burn out and so I had to transfer everything over to the Dell, not having it ready for first service. Then I had to use the Dell making it very complicated.

The result was much stress for two full hours, an $800 dollar repair bill in order for me to get it fixed (I had already called and decided it wasn’t a necessary repair -- WRONG).

Then I just lost it on the way home when Tony spit directly on the new van because he was mad at me...

I am so tired of him acting like he is 2 when he is ten. Perpetually stuck at two for eight years is getting VERY tiring ... and he’s only this way at home and at church. Otherwise he holds it together like perfect angel at school.


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