Sunday, September 30, 2007

The Cunundrum

We are still having our minds boggled by the fact that the police officer who pulled over our daughter's friend for speeding (as a 14 year old without a license) in our stolen vehicle made the choices he did. He basically released the vehicle to the "adult son of the owner" without asking or calling us. Obviously our son, with a long list of felony and misdemeanor charges, who is not living with us, and who has never had a license, was not our first choice.

We've been on the phone with police tonight from both counties and have talked to one of Mike's friends. They are attempting to find our vehicle.... so are we.

But I'm just tired and I want to go to bed.


  1. i am completely dumbfounded that the police did that. i swear my mouth dropped as i read that. i cannot begin to imagine how furious you must be.

  2. I would most certainly file a complaint with the police department over that one.

    If the car is damaged, you might have some grounds for legal action against the department as well.

    Sorry you have to go through all of this. Good luck finding your car.
