Wednesday, October 03, 2007

And the Plot Continues to Thicken

Mike is now appearing on our county custody list and our neighbor confirmed that he is back in our county jail.

And charges are appearing on Rand's account that were made 30 miles from where I assumed Mike was on Monday morning. I was right.

I tried to call to report Rand's stolen wallet, but he is going to have to do that. And even though Rand went to the bank and let them know that he had had the card stolen, the charges are still appearing, along with overdraft fees.

I called to report the theft, but since Rand is an adult he will have to do that himself. And I can't discuss the account becuase apparently my name isn't on it. But I tried to do that to save them time.

I should be keeping track of all of the things I had to do as a result of this "mistake" on the part of one of my children that led to everything else.

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