Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Drugs, Metric Conversion and Nastiness to a Whole New Degree

Since I last blogged at 4:23 p.m. we have had supper and I began the chore of attempting to help Jimmy with metric conversions. The whole worksheet was so far above his head that he couldn't get it. When we got to the last question asking to compute density, I gave up. When you ask a 9th grader, "What number is 1.0" and they cannot come up with the answer one, computing density might not be a possibility. Unless the person asking begins to compute a different kind of density, but I digress.

During this attempt Rand busted into the office to hand me marijuana he found when cleaning out the car which I took down to the police department. The officer took the stuff, but I don't think they will bother to attempt to press charges. He probably just tossed it in the trash, but I wasn't about to get caught with it.

And Salinda has taken her nastiness to a whole new level, refusing to have meals with us, refusing to fold laundry, swearing (which she usually doesn't do here) and not cooperating.

Meanwhile I am getting farther and farther behind in my work, finding it almost impossible to get anything done...


  1. Boy am I glad I didn't get pulled over driving that car home today! By the way, I have the munchies now. ~Kari

  2. Given your stress level, perhaps you should have kept (and smoked) the bud instead of turning it into the police. [wink]

    My guess is that one of the officers (probably the same one that gave your car to Mike in the first place) is probably out in the back parking lot enjoying the treat you brought in.

    As for Salinda, perhaps you should take the approach of, "I'll be happy to do _____ once you have done _____."

    In other words, she doesn't get to eat, sleep, watch TV, or do anything fun until she's done her chores.
