Monday, October 08, 2007

An Encouraging Sound

The judge released Salinda to my custody. He shook his head and looked at me as if I were nuts to give her another chance, but she needs one. I could end up regretting it, but at this moment I'm not.

Coming from her room is music from a CD that I burned for either her or Sadie a couple years ago -- with songs that I actually have on my computer. in comparison to music she's been listening to for the past several months (right on the line of what we'll allow here) this is great to hear.

1 comment:

  1. Praying that this is the turn around we've all been waiting for. Hope the corner has been turned, even though we know there is no such thing as smooth sailing, we pray things will go better. You are also in our thoughts as you await your two new sons! ~marge~
