Monday, October 29, 2007

Ending the Day Sad

On top of the accusatory call from Mike, I had a conversation with one of Salinda's friends who is mad at me because I won't tell her where Salinda is. We aren't even telling her siblings because we want her to have the best chance of making it there as she can. Her friends find her and they might help her run.

But the conversation's message was that I do not care about her and that I shouldn't even adopt kids if I am not going to care about them. The reason for her conclusion? We did not try to find her when she ran away. Well, we've been down that road and we know it only makes the run more fun -- if there is a big chase. But of course, at 14, she's just not getting this.

So, I am going to bed sad. Sad that my parenting efforts have resulted in some of my kids and their friends not believing that I care about them. Sad.

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