Thursday, October 18, 2007

First to Blog This Morning

Of the blogs I read, I'm the first to blog this morning which is unusual.

I'm heading to a finalization tday. Always a celebration to see a kid and a family make it to that point.

Had some disturbing dreams about Salinda last night so apparently she's still invading my psychy.... ;-)

Bart has a wedding in the metro area tonight, so he's spending some time with Kyle first. They'll leave around noon, right before or right after I get back.

If I had been blogging 9 years ago, you'd be amazed that Kyle and I can now enjoy banter and fun. He moved in at 11 and I don't think we had a decent conversation until he was 15. Long years of conflict with him attempting to triangulate Bart and I and mess up our marriage...he hated me so intensely those first few years.

Last night, after spending a whole 45 minutes with him on his trip home (and most of that at the table for supper) I jokingly said, "Well, it's been great spending all this time with you Kyle, thanks for coming home. See you next time." And he laughed and said, "yeah, mom, it's been great. Love you, goodnight."

He's almost 21, a college senior, on track to graduate, employed, and basically doing everything he's supposed to do. Guess there's hope for all of the rest of them too.... though for some there is more possibility than others, I guess you just never know.

1 comment:

  1. Claudia,

    So nice to hear of a success in one the children. All your hard work DOES pay off! It must feel so good and be a real shot in the arm after your latest round of frustrations. Thanks for your honesty.

    I'm in Texas! If you are flying into DFW and you need ANYTHING, please give me a call (you can email me if you'd like my cell) and I can be there in ten munites.

    Devin (Cindy's Texas friend)
