Monday, October 29, 2007

I Got an F

IN the midst of directing the massive effort called "getting out the door in the morning," I'm mentally going over my day. Sadie has to ahve something removed from her lip today at the clinic. I have a meeting with Salinda's P.O. to do a social history this afernoon followed by a post-placemnt visit. Tonight is Boy Scouts for Tony. And in the midst of it all we have more cleaning to do and I have to prepare something that looks like a meal.

In addition, I have several work related things I need to do at my desk, where I won't be much. My life is like an endless to-do list and always has been. I am definitely a do-er and not a be-er.

Tomorrow night the new boys arrive with their new Dad. I can't wait to see them. Not sure who I'm looking forward to seeing more. It's been a long week without Bart.

This past weekend I certainly received an F when it comes to having patience with the kids, Tony especially. He is often our family's stress barometer, and with the transition he is just bonkers. Everyone is a litle on edge -- excited and a bit worried -- so their behaviors escalate. We were both gone for four days, throwing them off, and now they are awaiting the arrival of new kids. And Tony's shrill screaming over everything set me on edge all weekend.

I'm hoping that getting into the routine of school and me being home things will be better the next couple of days.


  1. Leave the meal to me tonight Claudia. I'm making scalloped potatoes and ham and I'll bring a huge bowl of it over to you this afternoon. I'm sure it won't be as good as Bart's but it probably won't kill anybody (but you might want Anna to pray over it anyway!) ~Kari

  2. How about you bring that and I'll trade you for some mac and cheese we have to eat up? We can have a carb extravaganza at both houses....

  3. How come all the good food someone else cooks comes to our house when I'm gone?!

  4. How come all the good food someone else cooks comes to our house when I'm gone?!
