Wednesday, October 17, 2007

I Missed the Court Hearing

But it wasn't on purpose. I got done with the IEP meeting and the psychiatrist appointment and I called my machine at 10:37 to find out that court had been at 10:00. I didn't get the results yet, but I was glad to not be responsible for missing it as I was having a hard time facing the judge who looked at me like I was an idiot last week for giving her another chance.

I haven't heard the results of court, but the P.O. was suggesting detention until we have a collaborative meeting to decide what will happen to her. If we don't get it done today or tomorrow, I've already let her know it will have to wait until after I get back from Texas next Friday....

Kari and I are working at Dunn Brothers, but I'm about out of battery power so I'm hoping someone will move away from the booth by the outlet before too long.

I still have miles to go before I can even slow down, much less sleep.

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