Monday, October 22, 2007

I'm In Love

These boys are GREAT. I know it is the honeymoon, but they are just super sweet, very bright, each has a good sense of humor, and they are just fun to be around. We played monopoly and then hung out in the room this afternoon...

We've had a lot of fun telling Leon and Wilson about their soon to be siblings. Talking about them and remembering our first meetings with each of them reminds me of just how much I'm in love with all my kids. And sometimes, in the midst of all the busyness of home, it's easy to forget that.

I'm in love -- for the very first time with two new boys, and all over again with my wonderful husband and 10 great kids who, though they don't always make the best choices, are my delightful, unique, and sometimes even endearing, children.


  1. Ha. I knew we'd get a picture of the "man-style" if we were patient. LOL I like it.

    Glad things are going well.

    Angela :-)

  2. Oh, they are soooooooooo cute!!
