Monday, October 15, 2007

It's time to Lighten Up

Well, this blog has been way too stressed way too heavy ... so it's time for some DOMINYKisms!!!!

Dominyk is a unique human being who says some of the weirdest things.... here are some things he has said in the past few days that are worth repeating.

"I bruise like a banana" (he says this often).

"Dad, if God is both a woman and a man, does he have both a vagina and a penis?"

"Is Dad on the Crop Walk or the Crap Walk? Hey, a crap walk, that would be great! You'd stop and take a crap every five minutes."


  1. Claudia,
    Well, I've been praying for Salinda and will continue to do so.
    And I don't think Dominyk is all that weird with the "bruising like a banana." I think that makes perfect sense. I bruise like a banana too!

  2. Not weird, maybe, but hilarious...

  3. I love that Dominyk.......

    Prayers for your family as your going though this with Salinda.


  4. Boy, I sure hope you explained to the little man that God is neither. Whew.

    Glad to hear Salinda is safe.
