Monday, October 01, 2007

What a Weird Thing to be Doing at 9 p.m.

Bart and I are both feeling the residual effects of Saturday's late night (or Sunday's early morning, however you'd like to put it). But I am having to stay dressed and decent for the arrival of the ankle bracelet guy who is still not here.

Salinda has spent most of the time since her arrival home in front of the TV. She eventually did half her chore and did sit with us at supper. I pointed out the irony when she freaked out about Dominyk having two pops. Thought that was pretty odd since she stole the car, but whatever.

Mike called to talk to her which I didn't let him do. I recognized his voice and told him he needed to return the car to us. He sounded quite confused and said he didn't know where it was. So, the plot thickens. Perhaps he doesn't have it, but then who does?

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