Thursday, February 28, 2008

The Afternoon after the Day after the NIght Before

We went to court. Bart explains some of it here.. It's never a pleasant situation to be in juvenile court ... it's always stressful. The conversation that we had before, as Bart mentioned, was difficult.

We came home and she had disobeyed me within an hour of returning here. But we have had a conversation and now things are at some kind of even place for the moment. Basically I'm held responsible for all kinds of information that she doesn't tell me, 75% of every word that comes out of my mouth is negative, and I mistreat her, at least 50% of all of our difficulty is my fault. That of course, is her take on it.

She is non-communicative in personality and I am, well, let's just say, I am over-communicative. Not a good combination. Our conversations usually result in me talking more than I should. She did OK today, but it wasn't great.

I hope we're at a turning point of sorts at least for now. I hate that it had to get to the point where it got in order for there to be a change. Maybe there won't be a change. But this time, I am not the one who did wrong. Only in her brain, but not in any one else's.

She'll either figure this out or she won't. But hopefully in the meantime I can maintain my cool, be patient, and not let myself lose focus....

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