Saturday, February 23, 2008

At Least Some Psychic Space

It has been a long day. I have not felt well at all. I slept again this morning and then worked until we went to see a cheap movie. Then I came back and worked some more. It's now 8 pm and I'm not sure I can do much more. I have not felt well at all. I think I'd be better off just going to bed. Maybe tomorrow I can get an early start.

But at least I had some space today from the extreme stressors -- Tony and Salinda were both gone all day and they are the ones who were causing me the most stress yesterday.

I still have to process the hateful letter Salinda wrote with her tomorrow, but at least tonight I don't have to deal with her as she is gone until tomorrow morning before church.

I think I am going to try and rest.... at some point I keep telling myself I'm going to feel better and then maybe I won't be in this fog.... and my blog won't be a pathetic whine-fest.

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