Thursday, February 21, 2008

Attempting to Parent through the Blur of Illness

I am more sick than I can remember being in a long time. Again last night it took a long time for my fever to break, as I lie there shivering. And again this morning I do not feel well. I feel like I'm in a fog... my head pounds, regardless of medication taken. And my husband won't be home for supper. Looks like we're ordering pizza. I can barely make myself cook on a good day -- I'm certainly not entering the kitchen today.

This is not a great time for me to be sick because I need to be in top form. Mike is in Luverne, apparently, missing his court appearance yesterday. There is a warrant out for his arrest. He's hiding from the law, but his my space tells everyone where he is. And, ironically, the mood he has chosen is "peaceful." Only someone with FASD could feel "peaceful" when running from law enforcement departments in at least 2 counties.

Salinda is starting to push the envelope in small ways again. Her choosing to protect Mike for 24 hours (finally got it out of her yesterday, long after we, and law enforcement, knew) was a big mistake on her part.

John is still stuck in residential treatment, making no progress. It's been about a month now -- we were told 1-2 weeks. As of Monday night I believe, he was still at level one after a month. Doesn't look like he is choosing to "work the program." They should never have brought him back to our town. That's a fact. He was doing well where he was. Now he's in a more restrictive setting than before.

I am so behind in my work -- and with this sickness it is hard for me to even think about delving into some of the projects i have to do today.

I know, whine, whine, whine. But it is true that when I feel like this, everything seems a little more daunting. I'm sure I'll just do what I can, one hour at a time. Sigh....

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