Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Bart Shares Some of His Pain

While I am troubled by the whole situation with Mike and our other son who has been stealing from the offering (apparently without a conspirator) my experience is not that of Bart's. I am not the pastor of the church. I am not the spiritual leader. I am not the one whose credibility is in question. And while it is my habit to think only the best of people, we can't help but fear the reaction of others. Bart was speculating the headlines if the newspaper got ahold of the story...

He shares some of his response to the events here.


  1. claudia, i just canno begin to imagine what you are both thinking and feeling. and there is no real solution to be had either. sometimes this is all just 2 steps forward and 3 steps back.

  2. Don't feel so bad Claudia. My little brother, adopted at 7 days old, with FASD, did something similar when he was about 12. My dad was acting as our church's lay pastor and my mom as treasurer, when my brother stole not only the cash from the offering, but tried to cash the checks at the grocery store after scribbling out what was originally written on them. I'm willing to bet that your son and my brother are not the first pastor's kids to try something like this. At least they have the excuse of brain damage.
