Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Beginning of Another Day

Today isn't a day we're looking forward to. Today is the day that Bart has to share with the rest of the congregation who already don't know, that it was our son who did thousands of dollars worth of damage to the church property by breaking in to steal the safe. As you can imagine, he's not looking forward to the whole experience.

We also have to provide extra supervision to the "offering thief" this morning, which is causing some additional stress to an already hectic Sunday morning schedule.

Salinda is threatening to "not participate" if we force her to go to church. She is now saying she is an athiest. She is responding to God the same way she responds to us -- if you don't give me exactly what I want, then I can't possibly trust you or love you. It's pretty immature thinking on our part, but i"m not sure it isn't much different to how we approach God sometimes.

I have a huge, nearly insurmountable work project that I need to do today. Tony is going tubing with the boy scouts, and I was supposed to go, but I'm still just too sick to do so. I'm going to work, sleep, work, sleep this afternoon and try to knock out the project.

The combination of added stress and my physical problems have really got me into a weird state lately. I'm an emotional wreck even about the most stable things in my life... I feel week and pathetic. So not like me. But I keep writing that things will get better, and eventually, I know, that as has been proven over and over again, this too shall pass.

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