Friday, February 22, 2008

Dreams and Reality: Not so Far Apart

Last night I dreamed that Jimmy had a paper route. Actually, that would be a nightmare. Before I started blogging he and Salinda shared one and it was a nightmare. Kyle had one and did perfectly well with it, but then we began a series of horrible experiences with Rand, John, MIke, Tony, and especially Jimmy taking turns at one route. Salinda to her credit was able to do exactly as she was supposed to and I believe she was only about 11.

Jimmy and Rand, on the other hand, were a nightmare. Since they don't really believe that anyone will catch them unless they see them (missed Object Permanence somehow) a paper route alone on a bike in the dark of the morning was NOT a good plan. Every time it rained or snowed Jimmy's papers were wet -- not because they were not wrapped but because he threw them in snow banks or in puddles. And Rand managed to ride his bike through the newly planted sod, on a rainy morning, of the one neighbor who probably hated us more than anyone. So, paper route was awful for him.

Anyway, last nights dream I was checking up on Jimmy and went to the last house of his route to see if he was doing OK with the route -- and no, he wasn't doing ok. He had apparently run out of the right papers and so he had delivered a 5 year old Detroit paper (no, I have no idea why Detroit). Sad thing is, this is not an unrealistic scenario for us.

And this is our reality. Last night I confronted Rand about why the car he drives smells like cigarette smoke. Here was the story he gave. He reports that at lunch time he and a friend have been going out to the car to listen to music. It has been about 5 below zero all week. But his story is that the guy stands outside the car, in fact they both do. In five below weather. But they open the car window. Why? Because it smells bad inside the car and they are trying to air it out. That is how the smoke got inside the car. And he is completely frustrated that I don't believe his story.

I just shake my head. What more can I do?

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