Tuesday, February 19, 2008


I confess, I'm not much of a giver in some ways. My natural tendency is to be selfish, oblivious to the needs around me. And I often do not take time to pay attention to other people, much less serve them.

Mike and Kari are givers. They are the kind of people who consistently pay attention to what other people need and go out of their way to help others.

Our washer is messed up again. The kids have started helping with laundry and neither I, nor they, are very careful about checking pockets. This always leads to disaster and having a repair man from Sears come and make me feel like a complete idiot. I get a speech about foreign items, and pocket checking, and all the other stuff I already KNOW.

So in the midst of their hectic day, i called Kari to see if Mike could come over. Nearly at the end of his last nerve, he brought four kids over and they roamed around my house while he fixed the washer. He jokingly lectured, "You know, if you would check the pockets of your kids clothing, ma'am, this wouldn't happen."

For a while it looked like he hadn't fixed it and that I was going to have to call the dreaded repair guy. BUt I ran it after he left and it was working great.

Sometimes I'm tempted to work towards being a better giver, but in the meantime, I want to remember to be grateful for those who are. There just aren't many better men out there than Mike who gives and gives and gives, not just to us but to others, without expecting anything in return.

We are so fortunate to have Mike and Kari in our lives. Thanks, guys!

1 comment:

  1. I never would have thought that people who adopt twelve kids weren't givers! Get serious, Claudia! But I will agree. Kari and Mike are constantly giving, at work, at play, and in every other aspect ot their lives. And we are so proud of them! ~marge~
