Thursday, February 14, 2008

A Happy Valentine's Day

Sometimes there are events in our lives that are pivotal. While I cannot share details, yesterday was one of those days. It was a day when emotionally I was at my lowest and was reminded that I was loved -- profoundly. My husband is the very best person for me on the planet. This is something that I know -- it is etched in my heart -- but sometimes it just gets rewritten, strongly. yesterday was one of those days.

He came home yesterday in the middle of my emotional outburst and brought me flowers -- a dozen rozes, and a Valentine's Balloon. He held me while I cried and listened to my long stupid story.

And in the midst of that all, I realized that many of my tears were tears of joy -- simply to have found and continue to have the privilege of living with a man who is my perfect match. Bright, articulate, funny, charming. Can always make me laugh. Always lets me be me, even when I'm the "me I am being" is so far from perfect and obviously quite annoying.

And that doesn't even mention all the things that will make all of you women in cyber space salivate with jealousy. He is an incredible chef, fixing all the meals for this large family. He does all the grocery shopping. He does at least half of the laundry and all his own ironing. He cleans bathrooms, to perfection, weekly. He vacuums.

And he's an excellent provider, and very good at what he does. I am so glad to know that as long as he lives I am guaranteed to go to church where there is a wonderful pastor who is a great preacher, an inspirational leader, and a concerned and loving caregiver who has a calm, soothing presence.

And he's a great dad. He has taught me how to be a better parent by his loving interaction with our children, his patience, and his ability to enjoy them, regardless of their issues.

So today I'm feeling very, very lucky. Happy Valentine's Day, Bart. I love you!


  1. Aw, how sweet. I, too, had a yucky day yesterday and was impressed at how my husband handled it.

    Angela :-)

  2. Awww, you lucky, lucky lady!
