Saturday, February 16, 2008

I have This One Scrub ...

Because he is so tiny, so funny, and so smart, Wilson is a great "toy" for the other kids. He is fun to play with.

Sadie and her friends when they come over find him very entertaining. Last night of our 12 kids there were only four of them home. And this is how they occupied themselves.

After they finished playing dress up, Wilson tried to get the makeup off his face. He couldn't do it. Sadie said to him, "Let me help you. I have this one scrub."

Of course, Sadie was talking meant to say that she had this particular scrub that would get it off, but Wilson focused on the word one. With ONE scrub his face would be clean.

So he muttered over and over, "She said ONE scrub. It took about 40,000 scrubs, not one scrub. Why did she say ONE scrub?"


  1. Maybe it's totally obvious, but what are they pretending to be?

    Angela :-)

  2. Claudia,
    I was wondering the same thing. What ARE your kids?
