Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Mid Chaotic Morning Update

The plan this morning was that Salinda would call me with the address of where she was staying so that I could pick her up for church. She hasn't done so. And they aren't answering the phone. For a long time I did not allow Saturday night sleepovers because of this risk, but she convinced me she could handle it. Apparently not. Now I have to look forward to that conflict, regardless of whether or not she comes through in the next 40 minutes.

And I had to escort the Offering Theif into church this morning as Bart promised that he would no longer be unsupervised in church and he can't do it. Of course, when it is time to go I look down and the entire lap of his pants is covered in some kind of white stuff. It is literally layered on. He says "I got these off the dryer. It's a stain." I had to send him back down to change. It took him so long to change that when we got there, we walked in late and I had to escort him to the front of the church to sit with people who can be trusted to babysit him. So, in front of the whole congregation I had to march him down there and I know that everyone could tell I was madder than a hornet. My body language isn't exactly discreet.

And now I am home to find Tony dressed in boy scout pants while his perfectly good church pants were simply shoved to the floor from the dresser, still folded. Of course, he couldn't look there. So now I'm trying to get him to change. Taking a break from the mayhem to blog somehow calms me.

Once we get everyone to church things should get better...

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