Sunday, February 24, 2008

Might Just Survive This Day After All

I guess I'm feeling a little better physically, because I have shown great stamina for the past 4 hours as I have pounded away on this work project that i've been doing. I have been at the computer almost nonstop after resting for an hour after lunch.

Salinda did make it to church, but refused to dress appropriately and then when she was there refused to attend services. Sat in the foyer with a frown on her faces, evil and mean. I certainly wasn't going to get into a control battle with her and attempt to drag in a 15 year old. So I just reminded her of consequences later on.

She came home and refused to eat with us again, fixing her own meal later, which is against the rules. She hasn't done her chore either. I have let her know that I will be calling her Probation Officer and social worker and therapist tomorrow.

Other than a pathetic screaming cussing fit where she blamed God, Bart and I for all of the horrible mistakes she's made over the past couple years, she's been avoiding me. It's a good thing too, because the way I responded was less than wholesome and nurturing. When she is being self-destructive and hateful, trying to reason with her just doesn't work.

I am ready to be done with my fog. I am ready to feel strong again -- as though I can handle my life.

The good news of the day is that our congregation was very supportive when Bart let them know about the break in in the church. I knew they would be, but it's always nice to see that people are what I expect them to be.

I am really hoping that my illness is about over. This has been horrible and I have been forced to keep functioning, with incredible work stress. Feeling better would certainly help me handle things better -- whatever things are coming our way.

1 comment:

  1. I'll say some prayers for you. We spent the weekend visiting friends and it was just the mental health break I needed. Today, I was able to start the day feeling positive and ready to deal w/ our current "trouble maker".

    Angela :-)
