Friday, February 22, 2008

Multiple Layers of Stress

Something job related and very stressful is in the works. It is possible that the beginnings of the issue could be related to this blog, so i must be incredibly careful to post nothing further about it here.

In addition, Salinda is frustrated that she can't do what she wants to this weekend and instead of handling it well, she is stomping around punishing everyone, especially me.

And Tony is a magnet for stressful situations. If he hears an argument brewing or a conflict in the home, he races to the scene -- not just to watch, but to add to the stress verbally and with his attitude. It is incredibly annoying.

I still don't feel well and am having a hard time controlling my urge to vomit -- I'm not sure if it is a physical or an emotional deal, but ick, do I feel yucky.

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