Friday, February 29, 2008

Not at 100% but Certainly Above 50% for the first time in a long time

Last night it was as though a huge cloud had been lifted from our home. Salinda initiated conversations at supper, spent time in my office chatting with me, wrestled around with her brothers, laid in my bedroom to talk on the phone -- it was like having a human back in the house. Maybe this extreme cycle has to be completed for her in order to get back on track. I'm hoping we can find a better way next time.... but for now I'm grateful all is well. I even spoke to her already this morning and didn't get my head bitten off!

And last night since Salinda was happy everyone else was at ease. They came in and out of my office to chat and later in and out of our bedroom. It was a relaxed evening and such a contrast from the weeks before.

Physically I'm starting to feel better as well. The cough is still hanging on, stomach still doesn't feel quite right, but I'm feeling better. My work situation isn't resolved, but is at a less scary point, and other things in my life are going well.

Today we have a post-placement visit for the boys, Dominyk sees the psychiatrist, and Salinda has a meeting with her mental health worker. I have a horribly long to do list, as always and those things all happen during the work day. Bart and I are going to try to watch a video this afternoon as a "date" -- so I guess I'll be spending the other hours at my desk with the never-ending battle to catch up.

Tomorrow is it's own long day. But I better not get ahead of myself.

And one final thing -- Wilson said "I love you too" for the first time last night before bed. I suppose it had something to do with the fact that he wanted a drink of my pop, but then he said it to Bart as well. What a great kid. He's simply delightful.

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