Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Perfect Day Recap

It's a little sad to have such a wonderful time without my husband and children. It certainly is not because I don't have wonderful days with them, but yesterday just happened to be one of those days where everything was perfect (except for the cracked Iphone, but I'm trying to forget that.

Several hours online yesterday morning helped me catch up on some email and get some time alone in a quiet hotel room. Called and sang to Tony for his birthday and he even confessed that he loved me, too. ;-)

Met some of my favorite colleagues for an incredible lunch overlooking this waterfall. The weather was perfect, sunny, about 73, nice breeze. The feeling in the air was one of Spring and the effect of the weather on the moods of everyone around us was palpable. The food was wonderful as we sat with the sun beating on our faces looking out over beautiful landscaping.

I then did a few last minute things at their office and headed to spend the evening with some of my favorite people in all my life. Three different families that I have known for over 20 years. I saw the baby girl I held when she came home from hospital who is now a senior. The toddler, now 23, still lets me hug him and even kiss his forehead like I used to when he was 3. The 11 year old, now 33 and pregnant with her second child, is still that same little girl with the same spark in a much older, much more laden with responsibility body. And the adults -- oh how old we have gotten.

Some of the best moments of my life have been spent with these people and their families. There is something stabilizing about reconnecting with people who have followed my journey since they were younger than I am now. And there is something comforting about the fact that as we all grow and change, and our circumstances around us, the highs and the lows, toss us about, that so many things about us still remain the same.

And before I went to bed last night I talked to my wonderful husband. I received instant messages from my duaghters. They all reported that things were going very well at our house. And again I felt so blessed to have a husband who can handle the responsibility of our large family so that I can go away, have a perfect day, get recharged, be with my friends, work hard, make strategic plans, and return ready to give it another go.

And this morning I woke up, ready for a long day of travel, but content to have made connections with wonderful people, both professionally and personally, who I truly enjoy.

God is good, All the time and ALL the time, God is good.

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