Friday, February 08, 2008

Perspective Dreams

I had a dream last night that Salinda wanted to go somewhere and I said I wouldn't take her and she got evil and nasty and mean, simlilar to the way she was for months in the past.

It was a disturbing dream, but it also was a reminder that I should be grateful that things are better. She's having a rough week for some reason, and not talking about why, but for the most part she is not taking it out on anyone else or being particularly rude to us as her parents.

Everyone else is just moving along, step by step. Last night I spent a little time playing "Guitar Hero." The kids have lots of practice, but I have been able to hold my own if the song has a recognizable beat. (which, by the way, the songs from the 70s and 80s seemed to have more of than whatever this other stuff is that they call music).

Time to wake up the kids!

1 comment:

  1. Guitar Hero is fun! :-) I tried my hand at my cousin's recently.

    Angela :-)
