Saturday, February 23, 2008

Running on Empty

OK, so I'm starting to sound really pathetic. I apologize. I'm usually a bit more on top of things than I have been lately.

Physically I still can't shake my cold/flu and emotionally I'm dragging. Salinda finally left the house to spend the night at a friends freeing us from living in a house where she had purposefully sucked out all of the oxygen so that we could not breathe. She will be back sometime today though, ready to punish me some more. Her perspective is so warped though -- it's hard for me to make her understand. She feels entitled to the impossible and when she doesn't get what she wants she is horribly mean -- even if her initial request is unreasonable. I understand that girls her age tend to believe that the world revolves around her -- I guess the key is that we need to figure out a way to live peacefully when she is trying her hardest to keep us from doing so.

I have a huge project for work that I must finish this weekend. My wheezing is keeping me from sleeping, so I figured I'd get up and get started, but I might not last long and might end up back in bed.

Guess I should stop avoiding it and get moving.

1 comment:

  1. I love how other people are able to capture in words what I'm dealing with so much better than I can. "She feels entitled to the impossible and when she doesn't get what she wants she is horribly mean -- even if her initial request is unreasonable." Substitute "throws a fake crying fit" for "is horribly mean" and you sum up my five year old. He feels entitled to anything anyone else has plus some.

    Angela :-)
