Wednesday, February 27, 2008


I preach it. I teach it. I lecture on it. I tell parents I know to do it. But I can't always make it happen.

Salinda has not spoken a pleasant word to me since Friday night. It was all-out war for the weekend, now it is just avoidance and nasty glares. When I feel up to it emotionally and physically, I confront her and force her to talk to me and eventually we resolve it somehow. But right now I can't make myself do it. I keep telling myself I'm going to feel better, but it isn't happening enough. I finally resorted to writing her a letter which I will give her when I pick her up from school.

I wish that I could not let her get to me. I wish that I could just realize these are her "lacking-in-sense-of-self" hormone driven teenage girl episodes and not let them mess up my nerves, but there are days when her attitude just seems to seep into my soul and get inside my defense system, and messes me up.

I have her set up to meet with her team of professionals tomorrow -- without me -- as I will be dealing with a work matter. I hope that they can figure something out and that eventually I feel emotionally and physically strong enough to hit this head on again.


  1. You know, if you are tired and mis-read the title of this post as "Sex-Differentiation," it is quite confusing.

    In any case, good luck with the other thing.

  2. Claudia, I am delurking to let you know just how much I admire you. I know there are moments when you don't feel like a wonderful, powerful, amazing woman, but as someone on the outside looking in, you really are. My DH and I are in the final stages of being approved to adopt from the foster system and your blog has become a "must read" for me. Thanks for all your wisdom.
