Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Small Family Experience

Last night stuff happened as it did so that we ended up with only four kids heading out for pizza with both parents. An unusual event and fortunately the kids were able to hold it together because the meal lasted almost 2 hours.

Wilson, Tony, Sadie and Jimmy chose to come with us to a pizza joint for pizza. We had some interesting conversations and even a few laughs.

A couple highlights included me asking Wilson to stop being cute, with the results in these pictures, and the "banana split saga."

The kids were tempted by these huge ice cream deserts, and so we did something unusual and ordered them whatever they wanted. JImmy ordered a banana split.

Everyone else got their ice-cream (I didn't order any) and were happily eating it. Jimmy wondered outloud why his wasn't coming sooner and Bart said, 'They had to go buy the bananas first". The kids made fun of him and laughed at his silly thought.

Until the manager came to the table and said, "Sorry about the banana split. We ran out of bananas and I had to send someone out to get some more. He'll be back soon."


  1. hahaha What are the chances? We joke like that all the time. Never had it really admitted to, though.

    Angela :-)

  2. hahaha What are the chances? We joke like that all the time. Never had it really admitted to, though.

    Angela :-)


    I've never had a restaurant go to that effort, though. Just about every place I've been to would just say, "sorry we are out of bananas, would you like something else?"

    I guess your restaurant gets some bonus points for customer service.
