Sunday, February 10, 2008

There is a God

It's a high of -5 today. The boy scout moms were sponsoring a tubing party for the boy scouts. I had signed up to help. Against all odds I was hoping that it would get postponed. But as of noon today, we thought it was still on and we were scrambling to get there on time with all the gear to keep the boys who were going warm enough for tubing.

But I got home and found an email in my box that it had been postponed. And once again, I remembered, there is a God. And I am grateful to not have to go serve snacks to freezing boys scouts today.


  1. Praise God! You don't need to be surrounded by a bunch of Scout-sicles today! ~Kari

  2. i cannot even beging to imagine having to be outside today. beyond cold. yet definitely happening more each winter.
