Monday, February 18, 2008

The Value of Early Mornings

I just simply cannot sleep in the mornings any more. I wake up sometime between 4:30 and 5:30 and just can't make myself go back to sleep. Some mornings I just immediately get up, but most I lie there at least 45 minutes to an hour and try to force myself to get more sleep. I end up quite exhausted by mid-day if I don't, but I can't seem to make myself. I'm trying to put my time to good use.

Things here continue to remain "normal" for us. Salinda and I had another round of blow-ups this weekend, but I am handling her differently and this makes things a little easier. I had told her no about something unreasonable that she had wanted to do, so she purposefully made us late to church and wore jeans, which she's not allowed to do. I headed into church yesterday mad as a hornet and late. My Sunday School class, however, is wonderful, and puts up with my post-Sunday morning stress lovingly and with humor.

Tony spent the weekend at boy scout camp, leaving us to have a quiet weekend. I got a perm, did some shopping, gave lots of rides, and spent less time at the computer than usual.

Ahhh. No school today. And now I have several hours to myself. Many ways to spend them -- just need to get busy.

1 comment:

  1. Claudia, just a thought here, but maybe the reason you are waking up early and can't go back to sleep is cause God has something/somebody He wants you to pray about/for.

    When I wake up and can't go back to sleep, that's usually the reason. So, I try to think of who I need to pray for, or if no one comes to mind, I start praying for everyone, and usually fall asleep! Altho that's kinda sad to fall asleep when you're praying, at least it helps!
