Saturday, February 02, 2008

The Way It Goes

Well, even my best intentions don't turn out right.

I decided to take a break and watch Ricardo wrestle. He told me I didn't need to be there right at 11:00 because there were two meets anyway, and he wouldn't be one of the first few wrestlers.

I headed out the door with Leon, who wanted to go with me, and realized I did not have my checkbook. I did have my cash card though and, knowing I would have to pay to see the game, I stopped to get cash. I arrived at the game at 11:10 and paid $10 for Leon and I to watch the meet.

When we entered the gym, I realized immediately that we had missed Ricardos match. But like a good parent, I stayed to watch everyone else wrestle. After the meet, I asked Ricardo if he won. He smiled and said yes. I thought to myself, "Great, the one time I actually make it to a meet and he WINS, I'm late and miss it."

As we were leaving the parking lot I said, "So, did you pin him?" "Oh no" he said. "Da udder guy didn't come. I forfeit. I just go to the middle and they take my hand and put it up. I did not wrestle."

And I ask myself, "Who pays $10.00 to be too late to miss your son NOT wrestle?"

We did have fun at lunch -- The boys sure tried not to let me take their picture.

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