Saturday, March 01, 2008

Miscellaneous Stuff

Yesterday Dominyk had a psychiatrist visit and I didn't get a nutrition lesson. In fact we didn't go down that road. It was nice. We just had a routine conversation and Dominyk was thrilled we got the room with the legos. He used every lego to make this huge tower.

I meant to blog this the other night. It was Wednesday night, the night that Salinda spent in Juvenile Detention and the rest of us were feeling giddy with relief from the tension. We were sitting at the kitchen table and the kids were eating girl scout cookies. We weren't paying much attention to Dominyk until I realized that he had eaten an entire row of thin mints and was heading for the Samoas. I told him he could have one more. He flipped out. "You people are trying to STARVE me. You IDIOTS. I hate you all" and went screaming to his room. It was hard not to chuckle at his ridiculous outburst.

Last night I had some time at home with only a few kids. People had gone their separate ways. Sadie and Dominyk, accompanied by Rand, were at a church lock-in. Tony had gone with a PCA to an event, Salinda was off at a birthday party, and the other boys were watching sports or playing video games. It was a relatively calm evening from my perspective. I'll let Bart tell you about his if he wants to.

Today some of us are heading to speak at an adoption orientation. We do this a couple times a year. I am kicking myself because the plan was to see John while we were there, but I didn't call early enough to set up a time to visit this weekend. I couldn't get anyone to make an exception either.

I need to move on and accomplish something....

1 comment:

  1. Why didn't you just give him another sleeve of cookies, you big meanie? Just kidding, you absolutely did the right thing. :) Kids can be such exaggerators.
