Tuesday, June 24, 2008

"I Knew I Loved You Before I Met You"

I heard this song, that UTube will not let me embed because embedding is disabled, and thought it was perfect for adopted children. I am especially thinking of Cindy in Texas today and think this song is perfect for their new baby Isaac. I have been following her story for several years, and ironically actually saw her from across the room when I was in Houston once. I thought it was here, but wasn't positive and sure wasn't going to walk up and say, "He aren't you the ebenezer blog Cindy?" But later I emailed and sure enough, we had been in the same building at the same time.

Even though the video doesn't show anything about adoption, if you listen to the words it's a perfect song for us who love our kids before we meet them. And we have to do that. We have to claim them before we meet them, or it's never going to work.

But I digress. Point is this: It's a great song. And applies certainly, to many other situations, but I think you'll agree that it applies to adoptive parents and their children.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I never thought about that song from the adoption aspect, either, but it really does fit!

My sis-in-law sang it at my daughter's wedding.