Friday, March 27, 2009

Do you have a Blog or a Blahg?

In order for you to say the title of this entry you have to pronounce the first blog like Emma Thompson would, with a slight British accent, a lilt in your voice, and very sophisticatedly (which probably isn't even a word, and if it is shouldn't be used in this context). They you have to say the word Blahg as if you are a trucker who smokes 2 packs a day and haven't slept for a week and have something stuck in your throat that you are trying to hack out but it keeps getting caught.

Then ask yourself if you have a blog or a blahg.

I think they would be defined this way:

A blog is intentional. The writer produces well thought-out entries with an intended purpose. Each entry has a logical conclusion and is artfully created. Someone who writes a blog has their readership in mind. They think about who might be writing and what they might want to read. They do some planning and they have an agenda. They even proofread their entries. My husband Bart definitely has a blog (when he gets around to updating it).

On the other hand a blahg is basically, as Bart puts it, "barf on a page." Thoughts pour out without thought to the reader. Proofreading isn't dreamed of and seldom are posts even reread before posted. It is filled with errors and the writer does their best not to consider the reader -- but to honestly do a brain-dump and pour out their heart unedited.

If I read your blog, then in my mind, I know which one I think you have. But what do you think? Do you have a blog or a blahg?

And, in case you were wondering, I'm certainly not claiming to have a blog.


  1. Well, Claudia, I definitely have two blogs. But sometimes I blahg on my blogs! Sometimes ya gotta do that, y'know!

  2. I try to have a blog, but I think it is a blahg more often than not. :) I like both...

  3. I'm fairly sure mine is a blahg. To make it worse it's mostly a blahg of my whining!

  4. Too funny... I would say, I used to have a blog. Then I adopted two preschoolers and I mostly have a blahg. I sometimes wonder if I will ever have a well thought out thought again.

  5. Anonymous1:18 PM

    I think mine has been more of a BLAHg, especially lately. I'm going to have to start doing something exciting, or else make some stuff up! :-)

  6. Mine is a very intentional blahg. I take great pride in my planned word vomitudes ;)
