Monday, March 23, 2009

Emotionally Exhausted

What an emotionally exhausting day. The kids were all home from school and Salinda had me schedule a meeting last week for this morning to go talk about going back to regular school.

But then she changed her mind about going. Refused to get up. Big argument.

ANd then Dominyk spent the day chanting he was bored ... for hours....

And Tony was Tony and there were multiple altercations.

And Sadie needed a ride here and an immediate ride back..

And then Salinda had a phone call that she won't talk about that resulted in tears. And I don't think she got any school work done today even though she acted like she was trying to get it done.

And now I just don't have any energy left and it's 5:04 p.m. I feel like it's 10.

1 comment:

  1. Take a hot shower and have some time with the Lord. Tomorrow will be better.
