Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Relapse but going strong

My cold came back with a vengeance. But after sleeping in because of a late school start, I began the busy day. First, get kids to school, then meeting for taxes with the attorney. Then lunch with Bart (I love having lunch with him) and then to the coffee shop to hurriedly plow through emails before a post-placement visit. Then the girls and I headed 2 hours east of here to get John. Salinda drove there and did an excellent job. We picked up John, headed to the mall, and had supper in the food court. I stayed there and did some more email while they shopped. Headed home and here we are. All is well, and we're happy for the most part.

Tomorrow I head for Grand Forks. I'm going to take John and Salinda with me. It will have it's ups and downs, but I'm hoping for a good trip. I had planned on this being a chance to get away, but I'll sacrifice ... hopefully I'll be glad I did.

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