Tuesday, April 21, 2009


I'm at the coffee shop even though Tony is home sick and Salinda is home supposedly going to do school work. I figured staying there I would get very anxious and they are certainly old enough to be home alone.

I am thoroughly enjoying time to work and get things done. I'm speaking in Texas two weeks from today and I'm working on a Keynote presentation, getting to use that creative part of the brain. I am often spurred on to get more done if I can take those creative breaks. Later today I have to deal with some unpleasant situations, so I'm giving myself a few hours this morning to dive into something I'll enjoy.

I truly do enjoy my life as a whole. I love the fact that I can always think of something to do, that I have plenty going on at church, home and work and that I have the ability to do amazing things because I am a Mac user. ;-) I have enough ideas that I could keep 20 people busy 40 hours a week...

So I'm off and running and content. At least for the moment. Until the phone rings or a text or email comes in... I wonder how long I'll have to feel good.

I know that you think I sound negative, but I'm just being realistic. How many of you know the feeling I'm talking about? All is good now but you are just waiting for something to mess it up......


  1. We just got the results of Anna's strep culture and it is positive. Check Tony's throat. Sorry. :-(

  2. Claudia, where in Texas are you going to be?
