Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter High and Low Lights

you can decide which are highs and which are lows...

... getting up at 5:35 and realizing that we had an extra two people here and only one shower and that we only had 45 minutes for 7 of us to shower before we had to leave for the Easter Sunrise Service:.

...telling the boys to wear polos until after the breakfast they had to clean up for not realizing that they might not be able to find me between services and that they didn't know how to tie their ties...

.... Wilson and Dominyk posing for pictures and me saying Wilson's name and him pretending like he heard God. At that moment my battery in the camera died and Wilson was convinced that God heard him ...

... Dominyk having a meltdown in church because this was our second service TODAY and our fourth this week. So he ended up stabbing himself with a pencil and then bleeding everywhere so by 9:05 (service started at 9) he had to go to the bathroom and wash the blood off his hand.

... Dominyk making it only 15 minutes with his tie on before he started obsessing that it was choking him to death and that it had to come off because he couldn't breathe....

... Leon sitting on the other side of me and letting me put my arm around him and even laying his head on my shoulder.

... Leon falling asleep momentarily and drooling on his tie and then being so nervous that someone saw him.

... Mercedes being her very helpful self all day long.

...Bart sending Tony away from the dinner table because at least on Easter we shouldn't have to hear the F word.

... Salinda manipulating her way into not having to come home and missing easter with the family.

... Seven of my sons in white shirts and ties and two others dressed nicely...

... helping more with dinner than usual ...

and now sitting in my bedroom listening to Wilson, Bart and Sadie snore in a quiet house....

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