Sunday, April 19, 2009

Facing a Marathon Day

In order to organize my thoughts, I am going to tell you about our day. Fortunately, I'm not nearly as stiff as I was last night, or I wouldn't be able to even get up to go anywhere.

We have Sunday school at 10, church at 11... then we'll head home to change and then go to the international festival at the Jr High/High school where we will buy various foods there for our lunch. Sometime before three I need to shop for Dominyk's birthday which is today and possibly have his cake. I lead a spiritual gifts study group at 3 and after that Sadie and I are going to try and catch the VIP sale at JCPenney's before we have practice at 5:30. The kids have youth group at 7.

John is still missing from the group home. We haven't heard from him. And Salinda is coming home tomorrow morning after a long absense which always adds a layer of stress to my life....

Fifteen minutes from now and I will be hopping in the shower to begin it all. I'm tired already just thinking about it.

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